Current projects/events

  • We continue to stock a pantry room for Sweetwater High School. We supply food, beverages, toiletries, school supplies, clothing and shoes.

  • We attended the DEAFest event held at Claremont High School. There we shared our non-profit, gave some cool swag, made a lot of connections and gained some great volunteers.

  • We had a GALA fundraiser Oct. 8th from 6pm-11pm. It was a fashion show, dinner and dancing event. The GALA was filled with lots of support, raffles, silent bids and great food. Our biggest silent auction item was a trip to Oregon in a Bed and Breakfast.

  • We are hosting a Turkey dinner giveaway in 11/19/22 where we are partnering with the International Longshore & Warehouse Union. We have a plan to assist 35 families with turkeys, sides and dessert.

  • We are hosting a Christmas Giving event where we partnered with 20 volunteers to assist 22 families with gifts, full holiday meals with extra food for the week.